About our School

Welcome to Harrison Elementary School

Little girl readingHarrison Elementary opened its doors in the fall of 1964 to the families moving into a small group of homes just being built in the orange groves. In the dedication document, the school board stated, “In the dedication of this beautiful new school, may we acknowledge our responsibilities to provide an equal opportunity for all children. May this school and its staff encourage every pupil to learn: Respect for others; Obedience to law; Mastery of self; and Joy in service.” Although the number of buildings that make up the school has increased, our society has changed, and the trees have grown mature and tall, the Harrison community wants similar things for our children today. 

Today Harrison teachers, parents, and students work together to provide a respectful and caring community where we can achieve a goal of 100% of our 6th grade students proficient in the standards as they leave Harrison. The expectation at Harrison is that all of our students will be prepared to be successful throughout their school careers. Our purpose as a school community is to train Harrison students to succeed educationally as they move from Harrison Elementary School to RUSD's middle and high schools.

We have a learning community where:
• Teachers participate actively in rigorous weekly grade level collaboration.
• All members of the community come with a positive attitude, ready to learn and work each day.
• Everyone works to make Harrison a safe and peaceful environment with a common understanding of respecting others.
• The sense of kinship and community is created through messages of caring and personal regard.
• A rigorous and consistent curriculum with high expectations for every child is embraced and communicated to students, teachers, & staff.
• Every child has been given appropriate support and intervention in order to achieve. Our teachers have written a set of commitments to lay out their high expectations for themselves including: teaching and maintaining behavior to create a community of responsible learners and leaders; allowing no child to slip between the cracks; collaborating professionally with each other; putting great effort into instruction; using assessments to guide instruction and to plan and monitor intervention; and modeling respect and polite interactions with students, parents, and other staff. 

Parent Involvement :
An outstanding school needs to work in partnership with the families. We need our children at school every day. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to be part of their child’s education at Harrison. We encourage parents to stay involved by monitoring that homework is done every day and by talking to their child about what they have learned. We encourage parents to participate in PTA, English Learner Advisory Committee, and School Site Council. Our teachers welcome volunteers in their classrooms and some parents volunteer in the office. Our PTA involves our parents in many fun family activities including the monthly family nights. 

Our parents have written and support a set of commitments in order to help their children achieve at Harrison. They have committed to checking their children’s backpacks daily; communicating with the teachers; holding high expectations for their children; to not making excuses for their children or allowing them to slip between the cracks; and to treating all children of the community with acceptance, respect and dignity. They are committed to sending their children off to school each morning well rested, well fed, and knowing they are loved and supported. We are a school community that loves our neighborhood school, takes our responsibility to the families of Harrison very seriously, and is willing to put in the time and effort to ensure every child’s success.


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